Maret 2015 - Diabetes Specialty Center


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Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Recipe: Cauliflower Rice!

11.02 0
This week's recipe comes from Margie Sobil - she made this last week with her Diabetes Support Group and they enjoyed it both ways!

Cauliflower Rice

This makes a wonderful side dish on its own, or could be used any way you'd use rice. For example, I have served stew, chili, or saucy curry over a spoonful of this "rice", and I have used it in stuffed peppers or cabbage rolls as part of the filling instead of rice. 

This helps to make your meal lower in total carbohydrates, even if you have a big heaping spoonful (or two). It adds a lot of fiber and volume, without a lot of calories.

1 head raw cauliflower
1 yellow onion
olive oil 
salt, pepper, garlic, herbs or spices to taste

Chop the cauliflower in a food processor until it is approximately the size and texture of rice:

Dice the onion. Saute onion in a pan with olive oil for a few minutes, then add the cauliflower "rice" to the pan. Saute until slightly softened. Flavor to taste. 

In the support group we tried making it two ways. One recipe used salt, pepper and garlic powder. The other used about a tsp of curry powder. You could invent many more ways to use this versatile dish - share in the comments section if you come up with any more yummy variations!!

Senin, 09 Maret 2015

National Nutrition Month Update: Week 1

08.40 0
If you forgot to fill out our National Nutrition Month quiz this week, don't forget you have 3 more weeks to enter the drawing for a prize!! The display is in or near the waiting room of all 4 VMG centers this whole month.

Our theme this year is Health Benefits of Fruits and Veggies. Nutrition is about a lot more than calories and weight loss.

Here were some of the highlights of this week's quiz:


Resveratrol is an antioxidant found in red wine. It is a type of phytochemical called a polyphenol. Some people attribute the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet to this compound. In studies, resveratrol has been shown to be anti-inflammatory, and may help lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and asthma!

Food sources: red wine, peanuts, grape skin and grape juice


Quercetin is the main flavonoid in most of our diets - it lowers the risk of asthma, heart disease, and lung cancer!

Food sources: onions, apples, broccoli, cranberries, and grapes


Anthocyanidins are antioxidants found in blue/purple and red fruits and vegetables that improve blood vessel health!

Food sources: blueberries, blackberries, plums, cranberries, raspberries, red onions, red potatoes, radishes, strawberries

Of course, it's not important that you remember these names and categories. The point is that a wide variety of compounds are found in fruits and vegetables that have wide-ranging benefits on health and longevity! And there are different types in all the different colors of produce, so when you are planning your meals, see how many different colors you can include! That will go a long way toward improving and protecting your health.

This info is thanks to: For more information, check out their website!


Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

March is National Nutrition Month!

05.23 0
In keeping with our various wellness initiatives throughout the year at VMG, we hope you�ll join us by participating in our National Nutrition Month event. This year the National Nutrition Month theme is:  �Bite Into a Healthy Lifestyle.�

At Valley Medical, we are focusing our NNM theme on the �Health Benefits of Eating Fruits and Vegetables�.

Watch for the display table in the lobby of each health center. Both VMG staff and patients are invited to participate. There will be a new quiz and a new prize each week in all 4 centers! 

Quiz topics will focus on recognizing the antioxidants in various fruits and vegetables, and the specific health benefits to us when we eat foods that contain these antioxidants.

New this year: we have 4 students from the Nutrition Department at UMass who will be volunteering in each center once during the month, and offering taste testing and information to staff and patients. We will let you know when they will be here, so you can drop by and say hello.

We hope you will find the time to participate! Enjoy and good luck!

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